2016年7月19日 星期二




目前市面上有一本書在探討這個議題,《快思慢想》Thinking, Fast and Slow)。其中比較讓我有共鳴的是作者所描述的兩個大腦運作方式:系統一代表的是反射性的直覺思考,系統二代表的是按部就班分析的理性思考。




Model paper
1. Scholl, I., Koelewijn-van Loon, M., Sepucha, K., Elwyn, G., Légaré, F., Härter, M., & Dirmaier, J. (2011). Measurement of shared decision making–a review of instruments. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 105(4), 313-324.

  Scholl等學者使用的檢索策略如下:((‘‘Decision Making’’[Majr:noexp]) OR (decision making[Title/Abstract]) OR (‘‘Patient Participation’’[Majr]) OR (shared decision-making[Title/Abstract]) OR (shared decision making[Title/Abstract]) OR (patient participation[Title/Abstract]) OR (patient involvement[Title/Abstract])) AND ((reliability[Title/Abstract]) OR (psychometric*[Title/Abstract]) OR (‘‘Psychometrics’’[Majr]) OR (‘‘Questionnaires’’[Majr:noexp]) OR (‘‘Factor Analysis, Statistical’’[Majr]) OR (factor analysis[Title/Abstract]) OR (factorial[Title/Abstract]))

2. Simon, D., Loh, A., & Härter, M. (2007). Measuring (shared) decision-making–a review of psychometric instruments. Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen-German Journal for Quality in Health Care, 101(4), 259-267.

 Simon等學者使用的檢索關鍵字如下:(‘shared decision-making’, ‘decision making’, ‘patient participation’, ‘patient involvement’ & ‘validation’, ‘reliability’, ‘psychometrics’, ‘questionnaire’,‘measures’ and ‘scales’).

a.主要詞彙: shared decision making[Title]
b.次要詞彙: patient participation, patient involvement [Title/Abstract]
c.廣義詞彙: decision making [X] (降低精確率)
c.Mesh terms: decision making, patient participation [X] (降低精確率)

  a.主要詞彙: clinical trial, randomized controlled trial, controlled clinical trial [X] (不影響回收率)
  b. [Publication Type]: Clinical Trial, Controlled Clinical Trial, Randomized Controlled Trial
  b. [Mesh terms]: Clinical Trials as Topic, controlled clinical trials as topic, randomized controlled trials as topic

  a. [Publication Type]: Review, Editorial, Meta-analysis, Comment, Validation Studies
  b. [Mesh terms]: Guidelines as Topic


共同決策[Title/Abstract] AND臨床試驗[publication type] [Mesh terms] NOT排除文章類型[review/ guideline] AND 限制年代[5年內] 198

(shared decision making[Title/Abstract] OR patient participation[Title/Abstract] OR patient involvement[Title/Abstract]) AND (Clinical Trial[ptyp] OR Controlled Clinical Trial[ptyp] OR Randomized Controlled Trial[ptyp] OR "Clinical Trials as Topic"[mesh:noexp] OR "controlled clinical trials as topic"[mesh:noexp] OR "randomized controlled trials as topic"[mesh:noexp]) NOT (Review[ptyp] OR Editorial[ptyp] OR Meta-analysis [ptyp] OR Comment [ptyp] OR Validation Studies [ptyp] OR "Guidelines as Topic"[mesh:noexp]) AND ("2011/07/10"[PDat] : "2016/07/07"[PDat])

學習是一個不斷try and error的程序!!不斷啟發與驗證自己的想法,並精進這些想法!!

共同決策思考要點 [要求精確率]
Trial 1
Ø 思考要點: 驗證共同決策的書寫差異是否會影響回收率?
Ø 試驗程序:將共同決策的兩個同義字(shared decision making & shared decision-making)分別進行資料檢索,並比較結果筆數。
Ø 試驗結果:
*shared decision-making[Title/Abstract] 3679
*shared decision making[Title/Abstract] 3679
結果筆數一致,此結果顯示使用共同決策的同義字並不影響結果,因此選用的關鍵字只保留shared decision making
Trial 2
Ø 思考要點: Mesh terms的檢索策略對精確率的影響?
Ø 試驗程序:以共同決策的相關Mesh terms進行資料檢索,並隨機檢閱結果文章。
Ø 試驗結果:
*decision making[Majr:noexp] 31778
*Patient Participation[Majr:noexp] 10472
使用Mesh term檢索可以得到較高的回收率,但精確率較不佳。為了提高精確率,因此不以Mesh terms為檢索策略。
Trial 3
Ø 思考要點: 廣義詞彙的使用對精確率的影響?
Ø 試驗程序:以廣義詞彙(decision making)進行資料檢索,並隨機檢閱結果文章。
Ø 試驗結果:
*decision making[Title/Abstract] 88436
檢閱結果顯示,decision making會涵蓋clinical decision making的概念,而造成精確率不佳,因此不以decision making為檢索關鍵字。
Trial 4
Ø 思考要點: 限定檢索範圍對回收筆數的影響?
Ø 試驗程序:比較主要詞彙與次要都限定在[Title/Abstract]與限定在[Title]而次要詞彙限定在[Title/Abstract]之結果差異並檢閱結果文章。
Ø 試驗結果:
*(shared decision making[Title/Abstract] OR patient participation[Title/Abstract] OR patient involvement[Title/Abstract]) 6480
*(shared decision making[Title] OR patient participation[Title/Abstract] OR patient involvement[Title/Abstract]) 4061
臨床試驗思考要點 [要求回收率]
Trial 5
Ø 思考要點: 臨床試驗有哪些檢索策略?
Ø 試驗程序:調查臨床試驗相關key wordMesh termsPublication Type
Ø 試驗結果:
*[Key word]:clinical trial, randomized controlled trial, controlled clinical trial
*[Publication Type]: Clinical Trial, Controlled Clinical Trial, Randomized Controlled Trial
*[Mesh terms]: Clinical Trials as Topic, controlled clinical trials as topic, randomized controlled trials as topic
依據Mesh terms階層分類,我們可以得知clinical trial 屬於clinical study,與observational study同屬一個分類階層。且clinical trial可再次分成clinical trial phase 1-4以及controlled clinical trialControlled clinical trial再次分成randomized nonrandomized
Trial 6
Ø 思考要點: 臨床試驗的檢索策略哪些較適用?
Ø 試驗程序: 比較各檢索策略的回收筆數,並檢閱結果以判斷其相關性。
Ø 試驗結果:
*( clinical trial[Title/Abstract] OR randomized controlled trial[Title/Abstract] OR controlled clinical trial[Title/Abstract])138054
*(Clinical Trial[ptyp] OR Controlled Clinical Trial[ptyp] OR Randomized Controlled Trial[ptyp])734958
*("Clinical Trials as Topic"[mesh:noexp] OR "controlled clinical trials as topic"[mesh:noexp] OR "randomized controlled trials as topic"[mesh:noexp])280121
針對臨床試驗的單一概念進行檢索,比較其回收筆數可發現,[Publication Type]> [Mesh terms]> [key word]。因此,我合理懷疑當摘要出現臨床試驗等相關字眼時,此文獻會同時符合[Publication Type][Mesh terms]。為了精簡檢索內容,因此不額外保留關鍵字檢索策略

檢閱部分文章後發現,[Publication Type][Mesh terms]的檢索結果會有部分重疊,而出刊類型屬臨床試驗者,未必會有臨床試驗的Mesh term標籤。而有臨床試驗相關Mesh term標籤的文獻,其文章類型可能為指導手冊、文獻回顧或統合分析的文獻。因此,如果將各檢索策略取聯集,則需要再思考如何排除不想要的文章類型。
限縮回收筆數思考要點 [要求精確率&降低回收筆數]
Trial 7
Ø 思考要點:如何排除不必要的文章類型,並得到精確度理想的結果?
Ø 試驗程序:將理想的共同決策的檢索策略與臨床試驗檢索策略取交集,並設定排除條件。排除條件為: Review[ptyp] OR Editorial Meta-analysis [ptyp] OR Comment [ptyp] OR Validation Studies [ptyp]以及Guidelines as Topic"[mesh:noexp]
Ø 試驗結果:466筆。
*(shared decision making[Title/Abstract] OR patient participation[Title/Abstract] OR patient involvement[Title/Abstract]) AND (Clinical Trial[ptyp] OR Controlled Clinical Trial[ptyp] OR Randomized Controlled Trial[ptyp] OR "Clinical Trials as Topic"[mesh:noexp] OR "controlled clinical trials as topic"[mesh:noexp] OR "randomized controlled trials as topic"[mesh:noexp]) NOT (Review[ptyp] OR Editorial[ptyp] OR Meta-analysis[ptyp] OR Comment[ptyp] OR Validation Studies[ptyp] OR "Guidelines as Topic"[mesh:noexp])
Trial 8
Ø 思考要點:如何再降低回收筆數?
Ø 試驗程序:將出刊時間增加為限定條件[選定進5年內文獻]
Ø 試驗結果:198筆。

1 則留言:

  1. 1. 有無資料檢索的 model papers, 如 meta analysis 所使用之檢索策略,或之前 shared decision making 評估工具 review 之檢索策略?
    2. 檢索策略的簡與繁,相對於回收率(或遺漏率),你的得失考量依據或檢索目標為何?
